Klinner Insurance

Klinner Insurance

Your full service agency. “Where Quality Counts and Service Matters” Independent insurance agency offering personal and commercial policies including home, auto, rec vehicles, boats, all types of business insurance as well as life insurance.

Eagle River Office
Tel: 715-409-2530 | Fax: 715-479-1780
E-mail: info@klinnerinsurance.com
908 W. Pine Street • P.O. Box 489
Eagle River, WI 54521

Land O’Lakes Office
Tel: 715-409-2530 | Fax: 715-547-3058
E-mail: info@klinnerinsurance.com
4169 Hwy B • P.O. Box 28
Land O’ Lakes, WI 54540

St. Germain Office
Tel: 715-409-2530 | Fax: 715-542-2805
E-mail: info@klinnerinsurance.com
556 Hwy 155 • P.O. Box 267
St. Germain, WI 54558